Just to consolidate, here are the errors and info I’ve received in the logs:
Request failed with http status code 503 - CKErrorDomain6
Zone does not exist - CKErrorDomain26
This operation has been rate limited due to an earlier error: Request failed with http status code 503 - CKErrorDomain7
This operation has been rate limited due to an earlier error: <CKError 0x1419400c0: “Service Unavailable” (2022);“Request failed with http status code 503”; Retry after 1.0 seconds> - CKErrorDomain7
It works for me on Mac when I set max connections to 4.
Also it fails when I start sync on my 2 devices (but when I close app on iOS, Mac DT start syncing again) .
The transfer of my 15.1 Gb database just finished. No changes from the default settings. Just had to wait through the rate limit / burst of data cycle until it finished.
FWIW: I’ve uploaded 5 more databases (all < 2 GB) without errors. I have two larger databases left to upload. By watching the DTPO status line and error log, it looks to my eye that the CKErrorDomain 6 errors appear for large files in a database, whereas the CKErrorDomain 7 errors occur appear for large NUMBERs of files. Both have been temporary for me needing no corrective action aside from waiting for DTPO to retry and complete the upload.
I have a total of 6 databases. The first one, which is 4.64 GB uploaded without issue. The second two I’m trying to upload are both under 2 GB and both keep getting the errors. (I am attempting one at a time.)
I just finished a support ticket and the 6 and 7 errors occurred within a finite time span. After about half an hour the sync quickly finished as the engine resumed its attempts.
Sync just stops on mine after a while and doesn’t attempt to finish. If I kill DEVONthink, it will start synching again, but then hangs. It’s synching, but there are a lot of gyrations to make it go. After the last restart (about 5 minutes ago), I am at least getting the same errors in the logs letting me know it is at least trying.
It seems my databases have finally completed uploading. It took over 5 hours to upload 6 databases totaling 17.76 GB. My iMac’s hardwired upload / download speeds are currently 859/720. Going to attempt uploading to my iPad.
Mine stopped again. There has been no attempt by DEVONthink to sync for 1 hour and 7 minutes. When I go into the sync tab in properties, all options are greyed out, with the exception of Refresh List. Clicking Refresh List causes the spinning circle to appear over the icon of the iCloud (CloudKit) location, but no other operation takes place. At 1 ½ hours after the last activity I will restart DEVONthink again and see what it does.