This time of year comes round so fast
But let’s not think of ditties past
Instead assess the forum’s year
If you have time to lend an ear.
Last year we praised those at the top
The gods of DEVONthink…no, stop!
I mean those who create (and more)
The very software we’re here for.
This year it’s time to tip our hats
To unacknowledged support top cats
(I speak not of the feline type
But humans who deserve some hype.)
Some forum members always try
To help those stranded, not knowing why
Or how or when or if or where
An indexed file loss can repair.
<“Ride of the Valkyries” from Götterdämmerung>
Chrillek rides his mount with ease
(A glint of steel parentheses)
The horse’s name is JavaScript
Stabled well, with const hay tipped.
No nonsense Chrillek takes at all
Beware what you may yet befall
For AppleScript is not bees’ knees—
Laid low by steel parentheses!
</ “Ride of the Valkyries”>
But if your mind remains a Blanc
There is another of equal rank
Who cares to share for mortals here
Assistance given without fear.
He doesn’t ride a horse, of course
So you can feel, without remorse,
Freedom to mention other *scripts
No fear that you’ll be shred to bits.
Last year with shame I did omit
Some who in the pantheon sit
So this year I must make it plain
Why YOU’RE not here…let me explain.
Writing ditties is too hard
(Because, you see, I am no bard)
However much I give the time
Some usernames will just not rhyme!
(With apologies both to those mentioned and those unmentioned: and heartfelt thanks to all of you.)