Looking for a workflow for notes in markdown

Creating new groups for every markdown file is far too messy for my liking. I try to keep the number of groups I have floating around to a minimum, as I rely mostly on tags for organisation.

completely off-topic but: do you auto-tag your documents somehow? how do you create a tag system that doesn’t get out of hand quickly? how many groups do you have in a single database? thanks

Hmm, I don’t auto-tag my documents as such, but the templates I use to create new documents (e.g., a progress note for a therapy session) have tags associated with them. I don’t do anything special to keep my tags from getting out of hand other than nesting them, so under ‘medicine’ I have, for e.g., oncology, neurology, gastroenterology, etc. and those in turn have sub tags beneath them. For any given note, if I tag it with one of the more specific tags, e.g., ‘neuropathology,’ it’s going to automatically pull in ‘neurology’ and ‘medicine’ as well, so I don’t find that things stay nice and organised (at least in terms of how my brain works with information).

I only have one database, and it comprises 8 groups. I want to cut that 8 back down to 4 again, though, e.g.: ‘entertainment,’ ‘reference,’ ‘work,’ and ‘personal.’

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ok, this is indeed very different from my system. how do you find the documents you are looking for?

With regards tagging, I finally settled on a system as follows:

Tags just refer to the purpose of the document, not the subject. For example:

  • Reference - Any sort of general information I will want to refer to later.
  • Comms - Any sort of emails, or correspondences
  • Records - Any sort of items (receipts, logs, health checks, invoices) that are tied to a specific date
  • Templates - Any documents that are used as templates.
  • Resource - Any sort of “support files” that are used to create other “finished files” (for example raw pictures, script snippets, etc).

I create most of my markdown documents in Drafts. I have an Custom drafts action that asks me a few questions as to which Database and the purpose of the file (see above tags). Then I have setup automatic smart rules in Devonthink to move the files from the General inbox to database specific inboxes.

Depends on the file, and what my purpose in going looking for it is. For the most part, I’m just attempting to narrow down my collection to a subset of resources that I might need at any given time, so I just use the built-in search features. If I’m looking to update/refer to recent notes, I look inside the relevant groups and sort by modification.

It do work. But is it possible to use one hot key to complete all darging droping things?

I’m not sure what you’re referring to. Please clarify.

Sorry, I mean I need to clip the image, save in some folder, then copy the link, then paste in markdown. But when I paste a picture in rtf note, I just clip and then paste. Is it possible make the process in md as easy as rtf?

You can’t paste into Markdown since it’s a plain text format.
Add the file to the group then drag and drop it into the Markdown document to add a link.

Sorry but that just isn’t true Jim. Markdown and pasting are two different concepts. You shouldn’t confuse them.
Markdown is the format, dt is the editor. What the editor does on paste functionality is up to the editor, not the format.

Actually, no it’s not untrue.
Even an editor that purports to paste into Markdown is doing no such thing. It is merely adding a plain text link under-the-hood and displaying the rendered result as if it was pasted as content.

Again, Markdown is plain text and does not support image data.

Ok you are thinking about this the very wrong way. The editor can do whatever it wants.

It is merely adding a plain text link under-the-hood

because it chooses to do that. not because it needs to.

What it could do on paste:
First case:

  • create an image in a group with the image data in the clipboard
  • insert a markdown link where the paste is with a x-devonthink url

second case:

  • take the pasted URL and download it to clipboard
  • then proceed with “First case”

Ok you are thinking about this the very wrong way.

That’s certainly a matter of point of view.

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not really since you are shutting down any and all discussion about editor functionality by invoking the format of the file … that way DT will never have good editor functionality

People are free to discuss what they please.
People are also free to agree or disagree with things being said, whether due to technical fact or mere opinion (like whether DEVONthink has “good editor functionality”, which I believe it has). They just have to remain civil and make no personal attacks.

Sharing my recent experience on this topic as I embraced md and moved from plain text notes to md. Combination of DTTG+1writer works great for me. I wanted to be able to leverage encrypted storage provided by DTTG (with notes residing in database on dropbox). 1writer is able to access notes inside DTTG as DTTG is acting as a storage provider in IOS. One cannot configure 1writer’s default storage location inside DTTG (mine is in dropbox for non-critical stuff) but a perfectly viable workaround is to work with recent files in 1writer (for instance if you use the app for journaling) - in this case 1writer can directly open files inside DTTG w/o any hassle. I am pretty happy with this solution w/o needed to copy-paste between all the apps! Also if I use the Files app and search and open md files located in DTTG, they are being opened by 1writer by default which is exactly what is needed.

You can argue whatever you like, that is fine. But when you are claiming 1+1 is 3, you might wanna stop arguing…

Even an editor that purports to paste into Markdown is doing no such thing. It is merely adding a plain text link under-the-hood

this is just straight up wrong. The editor can do whatever it pleases when you invoke “Paste”.
for example, an editor that doesn’t do what you describe on ‘Paste image’: https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/8446-paste-images-into-markdown

are you seriously saying an editor can only paste the link text from the clipboard into a markdown document because… markdown is a plain text format? (claimed earlier in your reply to ulmulm)

Sorry but you are again incorrect.

From the Jetbrain’s plugin page (emphasis mine)…

Paste images into MarkDown documents directly from clipboard
Images files are deposited in a configurable directory relative to the markdown document.

It is NOT pasting an image into the Markdown document. It is inserting a link no differently than DEVONthink is.

And once more… Markdown is plain text.
It cannot have an image embedded in it.
Drag and drop only inserts a link to a file, whether in place in the file system or copied into a directory for linking and portability.

sure, it inserts the link but before that, it saves the clipboard to disk. that is exaclty what @ulmulm wants to achieve and according to you can’t be done because “markdown is a plain text format”
same can be done with drag and drop. there are markdown editors who have that behavior.

Drag and drop only inserts a link to a file,

in devonthink you mean? sure, please change that.