Lots of great info, but where is it?

Right, I did…

“We are preparing a general fix for this issue and will resubmit as quickly as possible.”

So my question was, has this happened? Or because we are all so impatient for the app, maybe we aren’t going to be on the first level of notification for the resubmit?

I would expect that Eric will update everyone here, and on the blog, as soon as there is something new to report.

One down…two to go! :wink:

Just did a search on Devon and the results list changed. I was excited but soon disappointed when I found out it that it was just some book.


This. Is. Pure. Torture.

It’s up! Got it and am syncing now…

Hooray!!! Just downloaded it; will play with it tomorrow.

YES! It’s alive! I mean, available. :smiley:

THANK YOU to all the team ! :smiley:

DVTG is absolutely perfect - i bought it this morning, when i wake up ! :wink:

Simple, nice interface !


Very good. Just what I needed for my iPad/Desktop workflow. Right app at the right time.

Fantastic! Definitely the best thing to happen to my iPad since I bought it!
