"New Outlook" Breaks Outlook import functionality

Microsoft released a “New Outlook” UI refresh which seems to have broken import in Dt3. I realize this is just out from MS but didn’t see anyone posting about it so I thought I’d point it out.

What it seems to do is create multiple mailboxes in Dt3 import UI, but none of them appear to match up to the active Outlook mailboxes.

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It’s a bug of Microsoft Outlook, see Outlook script error?.

Understood, sorry I missed that other thread.

Sorry to reactivate this thread but can you clarify to what extent these are the same problem?

I am just trying to figure out if we’re just dealing with a pretty minor bug that could be fixed by MS by updating their UI-related Applescript or if there’s something more fundamental going on and one should expect outlook import to be broken for the long term.

The thread you linked seems to talk about selection reporting when using Applescript directly from Outlook and this thread seems to be talking about the importer pane in Dt3. What’s happening there with the “new look” is that a bunch of seemingly random folders appear in the “On my Mac” category but they only contain what was in those folders before one toggled the new look. In addition, there seem to be random duplicates:

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It’s the same issue, both the scripts and the Import pane access the data via AppleScript (or internally AppleEvents). And Outlook’s AppleScript support should work independent of the currently selected look.

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That makes sense. I think that “look” might be a misnomer here anyway. I suspect there’s a lot more to it then just a UI update. But in any case, thanks for clearing this up. Nothing nothing to do but revert to the old Outlook and wait.

Ah finally- spent ages trying to work out what broke- thanks- Ive turned back to old Outlook and now all back again- Thank you.

Welcome @doc.jem
Glad to hear you found this post.

I was using the “Old version” of Outlook.
But as of today I had to force update to the “New” version. And no way to switch back anymore.

Is the script already updated or do I need to debug/try to fix it? :slight_smile:
(Doesn’t matter if I need to do it, but hate to do double work)

Welcome @Vinnie1991

There’s nothing we (or you) can fix. Microsoft broke things with their UI changes. You need to be running the classic interface.

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Ok. Thanks for your reply. Unfortunately I’m afraid that as of today the “New” version is required :frowning:
And I’m afraid that Microsoft won’t fix this issue soon (because the “New version” was a long time optional)

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You’re welcome!

Required by your workplace?

No, not required by my workplace.
It’s required by Outlook/Microsoft.

When I just started my work Mac this morning I’ll got “installing” and after I was in the “New” version. With NO option to switch it back to the Old version anymore (what I’ve used last Friday).
So I think with the latest (auto)update from Outlook the Old version isn’t available anymore.

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I’ll check it out here to see if I see the same thing. I certainly hope not :rage:

The same thing happened to me when I opened Outlook last night–“when you next start Outlook…” Grrr. Fortunately, I only use Outlook for work (healthcare)–and it’s not stuff that’s routinely going to DT.

Biting the bullet…

Hmm… maybe a Monterey thing? Nope.
I still have the option of using it or not.

I noticed the same after Outlook update (–“when you next start Outlook…” ). But I could switch back to the “old Outlook”.
I use the app store version of Outlook (but have a 365 account I can and do use).


You are correct–switched it back. It’s not obvious since the switch had been in the Title Bar, now it’s in the Outlook menu.

Screen Shot 2022-02-22 at 7.55.46 AM


I’m happy I could help :smiley:


Thanks for sharing this info. Indeed there is a convenient switch for those who still need AppleScriptability in Outlook.

Much appreciated :slight_smile: