OK to Remove DEVONthink ToGo V2 after purchasing upgrade to V3?

Is that still the case? I have installed version 3 a while ago, but sync appears to never have switched over – leaving with me 2.7.9 synching happily and 3.3.1 without any sync settings set up in it.

Version 3 also is not picking up any new items I add to version 2, even if I force-quit and re-open it. Just added two text items to the global inbox and a database inbox respectively, both of which are counted against the total item count … which has increased by two on version 2, but not on version 3.

You shouldn’t be running and syncing both DEVONthink To Go 2 and 3.

Have you enabled databases to sync in DEVONthink To Go’s Settings > Sync: Locations?

I absolutely agree.

I have upgraded to version 3 after it came out, but then was irritated by the fact that sync settings did not carry over for me.

I could not find any helpful documentation about whether that was intended behaviour and what would be the right thing to do, so in fear of data loss, I stopped using both installs altogether.

It is only today that I installed DT3 on a new machine and came back around to this.

Which version are you referring to?

In version 3.

No. None of the locations have carried over to version 3, so I cannot enable any databases to sync.

But you could simply enter the location details - sure, they should have transferred. But they didn’t. So just enter them yourself. But don’t leave DTTG2 sync active when you activate DTTG3 sync.

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That was the bit I was unsure about and that I did not find any information about – and especially without knowing if the two access the same local storage, it was difficult for me to tell whether they could or should be able to sync at the same time and whether deleting version 2 would also remove the data from a place where version 3 was accessing it (thinking they may have been sharing their data container).

After all, there must have been a reason why that sync did not carry over, so I was expecting it to potentially be intentional, but could not find out how to move forward from there.

From your replies, I now understand I should

  • sync version 2,
  • disable sync,
  • manually enable sync on version 3,
  • delete version 2 (which will also delete the data stored locally by version 2, but not the data stored by version 3),


Correct :slight_smile:

See here for more precise details on what actually happens when you do that; the short answer, though, is “yes”.

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Thank you, the background info did indeed help.

I still do not know why sync did not carry over on two separate devices that I have this set up on, but I have now manually set up sync in version 3 and am in the process of removing version 2 from both devices.

Thank you for your quick help, glad to be back up and running!

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