Possible to automatically "update indexed items"

I am using Devonthink 3 Pro (3.5.1).
I only use one database and it is stored via Dropbox. I use Hazel to pass scanned items into relevant folders.
Is it possible for DT3 Pro to automatically update indexed items as they are dropped into the relevant Dropbox folders? Is it possible to do it once per day or once per hour?
I have looked at the threads here, but they seem a bit dated.
Thank you

Is it possible for DT3 Pro to automatically update indexed items as they are dropped into the relevant Dropbox folders?

DEVONthink 3 already automatically updates indexed items.

Is it possible to do it once per day or once per hour?

No and it shouldn’t be necessary.

Thank you.
I thought that i needed to select File>Update Indexed Items every so often…I didn’t know that it was done automatically.


You can still use it as needed but the integration with the Finder is much tighter in DEVONthink 3.

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Hi. Think I’m not getting the hang of DEVONThink and indexed files :frowning:

I have 4 folders within DropBox (having moved from iCloud Drive as suggested in another post due to indexing problems) - they are indexed, and seem to sync perfectly well with all my other Macs and iOS devices.

However, when it comes to keeping the DEVONThink database matching the content of DropBox files, something goes awry. I delete from within DEVONThink, and that is matched within DropBox (i.e the files, folders whatever disappear from DropBox). Do it the other way round and the files are still showing in DEVONThink while not being in DropBox (having been deleted).

The database will update and reflect DropBox contents if I manually update indexed files, but I thought the process was automatic - am I missing something?

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See my comment and please do not crosspost. Thanks.

Auto indexing is not working reliably for me with DT3 v 3.8.2. I trying to index a nested folder structure in Box.com.

Any suggestions?


As has been documented and discussed, indexing items in cloud-synced folders doesn’t always generate a filesystem event that DEVONthink detects. Use of File > Update Indexed Items should be employed in these cases.