Random Note Review

Well, mmoren10 provided a link up there.

But the general idea is if you have something like an external brain, similar to maybe a personal wiki, and in my case called a Zettelkasten (translated from German as note box or box of notes), you sometimes save information that you either forget or that isn’t really ready to write down etc.

Usually all info in my Zettelkasten is linked to other info bits. But sometimes, when I’m writing down info that doesn’t relate to all existing info, a note goes unlinked to other notes. Unlinked notes can be forgotten and never be used again (which either means you never needed that knowledge again or you have it twice in your system and the links go to the twin).

Also, I never copy much text from what I read but formulate my insights in a new way, only seldomly using direct quotations. So improving my own writing is always in demand.

And thirdly, this is about serendipity. I collect notes whenever I read and so far my Zettelkasten consists of about 200 notes with summarisations of books or articles and about 500 notes of personally formulated insights from all my work. Of course I cannot remember them all. Random looks at some of them might trigger a new idea for a current project etc?

So these are the three reasons for a daily random note reading: checking the linking, optimizing my writing and invoking serendipity!

I have two groups with Zettels in them (for the time being), one for source notes and the other for my idea/thinking notes. So my script looks like this:

tell application id "DNtp"
    set theGroupZ to (get record with uuid "put id here")
    set theGroupQ to (get record with uuid "put id here")
    set theContentq to (children of theGroupQ)
    set theContentz to (children of theGroupZ)

    set zufall to (random number from 0 to 1)
    if zufall > 0 then
        set theContent to some item of theContentz
        set theContent to some item of theContentq
    end if

    open window for record theContent
end tell
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