Taking notes Inside or outside DT?

So, for example you are writing note A in DTTG. And you remember that you have another note B that you want to link to this note. So you:

  1. Open note B
  2. Share menu → Copy link
  3. Open note A
  4. Paste devon link somewhere
  5. Open note B
  6. Copy note B’s title or note name
  7. Open note A
  8. Replace devon link with a markdown link [title](devon link)

Is that it? Or you have somehow automated this, hopefully?

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I also do most of my markdown work in Devon Think. Find it too cluttersome to always open up different apps and bla bla. My setup with certain markdown CSS and fonts looks like this:

In the top is the Zettelkasten folder with lots of linked markdown notes. I also want to be able to search fast etc. so I prefer to see the files all the time. In lower left, the white space, is the markdown editor with a certain font I like. It sort of already renders a few of the markdown like headers, italics etc. (only the links stay unrendered, thus not really sexy, but informative). In the lower right is the rendered output using a markdown CSS only slightly changed from the famous one here in the forum. This shows rendered links and makes reading easier.

Usually I work on a 24" screen at work, which then renders the white working space for markdown in lower left in such size that it’s fine for me.

But that’s just my 2 cents (Mein Senf!).


thanks for sharing! would be very curios to learn where the DTGraphView icon in the upper left hand corner of your sceen shot leads to…:slight_smile:

look here: Graph view : a network visualization script for DT

I’m using drafts at present, to grab ideas, as a grab all inbox, then sort. I can tag there for my zettlekazen.

Is there a connection to Devonthink?
I use Devonthink (Mac) and DTTG (IOS) “at present, to grab ideas, as a grab all inbox, then sort. I can tag there for my zettlekazen”

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Yes, in drafts you have a side folder that enables you to flick it to DT with unclick.

Hi Bluefrog! I’m familiar with the Take Note function in the Sorter, but not the Control-Option-N. Where is that shortcut? In what context does it work? (E.g., is it “internal” to DT3?)


I set it in DEVONthink’s Preferences > Sorter.

Got it. Thanks. (Actually, in mine it was set as Control-Shift-N, which was why it didn’t work when I tried Control-Option-N!)


Haha! Indeed that would be problematic :wink:

Where can I find that css pls , looks really nice ?

I use this one here, only very slightly changed: a css to embellish multimarkdown rendering

Beautiful :slight_smile: , thanks a bunch !

First of all thanks Gregor; I will try to implement some of your setting, but…
I have another question: do you keep track of what you have done and of what you have to do inside DT? let’s say a simple sheet that records things accomplished and things yet to be done? a working journal?

Please start a support ticket as I have something to ask you off to the side. Thanks

No, not really. I sometimes keep a journal about daily ideas or thoughts or happenings, but sometimes not. But this is a physical notebook where I write my thoughts into: I’ll have to scan it afterwards to see if something needs to be copied into DT. I’ll start journaling more today now that you mention it.

The notes itself are waiting for me, if I have some, lying in physical form on my desktop. As for the notes in DT, I can see their numbers (currently I have 484 weblinks, 192 articles with a summary which I call source notes, and 697 content notes). Many of the content notes are linked to each other and I visit some of them regularly when I work. For instance, if I read something that fits into one of my notes, I put the additional info into the note.

Only thing on top of that is a script I have to show me a random note once daily.

Oooh! Please share that.

You can see it here: Random Note Review - #12 by gregor

Hi Gregor, two questions…

in your ZK example why there is a Zettel folder inside a Zettelkasten folder?
there is a note-template (you could perhaps share it…)?
