RSS stylesheets Default/Leopard/Simple/Tiger.css are where to be found?

When trying to change my RSS feed stylesheet, I noticed that with most css-files in /Library/Application Support/DEVONthink 3/StyleSheets, the rendering of the feed is not changing at all. Only with these stylesheet files, something happens visually in my RSS feed display:

  • Default.css
  • Leopard.css
  • Simple.css
  • Tiger.css

Note the first letter is capital, unlike all the other css-files that populate the dropdown list in “Einstellungen → RSS”. However, in /Library/Application Support/DEVONthink 3/StyleSheets, I can find only a “default.css”, but not “Default.css” and no Leopard/Simple/Tiger.css.

So where are those files so I can customize them?

The stylesheets are part of the application package (Contents > Frameworks > DEVONwebkit.framework > Resources) but you should never modify such packages. Instead copy them to ~/Library/Application Support/DEVONthink 3/StyleSheets in your home directory, afterwards rename & customize the copies.


Now a question that might go to deep: I try to have a certain background for some of my markdown files (make it look like a Zettel from a Zettelkasten). I can build this background either with lineargradients or with a small image file (e.g., SVG or something).

However, when I do so, it looks like the file is rendered, using my css, two times: first like a general background canvas, then again for the body, on top of the other rendering. See here:

The background is rendered twice under the text (in the body). How can I avoid that?

At least for me :slight_smile:

There goes legibility :frowning:
Please show your CSS here, otherwise it’s not possible to see what might go wrong. Please quote the CSS enclosed in three leading and trailing backquotes like so:
CSS goes here
I’d vote against SVG and for PNG unless you really need scalable vectors for your background image (which I doubt in this case).
BTW: did you notice that your upperase(d?) “ß” is apparently from another font? Or is that really one of the rare uppercase versions of that letter?

Yup, before legibility goes down the drain, I was about to start fiddling with opacity bla bla, sure. Right now it’s to dramatic even if rendered only once.

Also, I have a solution with linear-gradients, but it didn’t work, either: same problem. And then I started to look into graphical solutions. Would prefer without graphics, too. The current one is without a graphics file, at least.

    /* background-color: #dbecdc;
    background-image: url("graph-paper.svg"); */

    /* background-image: linear-gradient(0deg, #f3f5e2 47.62%, #c6cde6 47.62%, #c6cde6 50%, #f3f5e2 50%, #f3f5e2 97.62%, #c6cde6 97.62%, #c6cde6 100%);
    background-size: 42.00px 42.00px; */

    /* background-color: #fff;
    background-image: linear-gradient(90deg, transparent 79px, #abced4 79px, #abced4 81px, transparent 81px), linear-gradient(#eee .1em, transparent .1em);
    background-size: 100% 1.2em; */


That is where I try to get the background in html, body {}. It is the excellent markdown-in-DT css file by @OlivierPS that I want to get away from using said font-variant: small-caps because it doesn’t look good in that font-family using the ß (that’s also one fifth of my last name) and change the background to reflect my Zettelkasten-Zettel better, while I’m at it. In any case, if it’s not gonna work, I’ll stay with original OpSpl.css file.

And now, having looked at html, body together, is that maybe the problem? And now, having tested it, there it is: the background was rendered twice: once for html, and once for body.

Should I feel stupid or smarty pants now?

The problem is not the attribute setting but the selectors you’re applying them to.
If you’re defining the same background image attribute to a hierarchy of nested elements, it gets of course applied to all of them. Differing offsets can then result in the behavior you’re seeing.
html is the parent of body. If you use the selector

html, body

the attributes are applied to both body and html independently.
If you use

html body

(without comma!) they’re applied to a body element that is a child of an html element. Which is kind of redundant, but the attribute is applied _only _ to the body, not to the enclosing html. Pasting the relevant parts of the stylesheet would have made it a lot easier to understand.

There’s a ton of documentation on CSS out there. A lot of it is worth reading.