Seats vs Active Devices

Hi all,

So I have a question regarding the 2 seats that are incl. with my DevonThink Pro purchase. I understand that this gives me 2 seats, which I can use on 2 macs.

My issue is as follows. My wife and I both have 2 macs each (1x work and 1x home) and we’d like to use DevonThink on all 4 of these Macs. The thing is we’d never be using more than 2x macs at any given time (we only have so many hands :laughing:). Is the only solution here to buy an additional 2x seats?

Alternatively I was also thinking of purchasing the cheaper Standard licence for work as discussed here: Mixing Devonthink 3 Personal and Pro

Yes, you’d need two additional licenses for the other Macs, regardless of how often they’re used. The seats are per-machine licenses.

And yes, you could purchase a Standard license which would come with two seats, though you’d have to weigh out if that would provide enough functionality for your specific situation.


Thanks as always Bluefrog!
Would the cost of upgrading be $100

You’re welcome :slight_smile:

Two seats of the Pro edition would be $198 (that’s USD).
A purchase of Standard would be $100 but provide two seats.

Sorry I meant the cost of upgrading a Standard license to Pro

Unless @hvolkmann needs to correct me, it’s the difference between the editions. So yes, that should be $100.

Thanks! I ended up buying another Standard license :slight_smile:

You’re welcome