I’ve been working on a script to take Zotero items (from a BetterBibTeX JSON export) and create a set of DT groups and items, much like the earlier Bookends script. Because I can’t put info back in Zotero, I’m trying to use a plist file to store the citekey/DT uuid pairs so taht if e.g. the title of the Zotero item changes I will update the DT item. It works but is pretty slow. Any ideas for how to construct, modify, and then serialise/deserialise a dictionary of citekey/uuid pairs?
Update: script updated below to fix issues/add features. It now updates existing items in-place, calls on Bookends to apply formats less frequently, and is a bit more robust in other ways.
Update 2: script updated further: it now looks for any updated tags in the DT item and sends them back to Bookends, and doesn’t use any Bookends formats so it’s more self-contained. (It still doesn’t unindex any attachments which have been removed from Bookends or renamed, or e.g. update the group name if the…
All a while ago so I’m not sure if they still work tbh!
Also Bookends has added a really good import system from Zotero, and the scripting support in Bookends is amazing. So my instinct if you’re looking at this is to focus on Bookends, as my way of getting stuff from Zotero was a bit cludgey really.