Update: script updated below to fix issues/add features. It now updates existing items in-place, calls on Bookends to apply formats less frequently, and is a bit more robust in other ways.
Update 2: script updated further: it now looks for any updated tags in the DT item and sends them back to Bookends, and doesn’t use any Bookends formats so it’s more self-contained. (It still doesn’t unindex any attachments which have been removed from Bookends or renamed, or e.g. update the group name if the Bookends reference details change. I’m not sure I can be bothered doing either of those as the payoff is low.)
Github gist: https://gist.github.com/lyndondrake/8983fa2c493f0f0911c6810c3b2ff64d
This is a work-in-progress, building on ideas from several others, to pull across info from Bookends into DEVONthink. Each Bookends reference corresponds to a DT group. Within the group, a summary Markdown file is created from a template with a little bit of info in it. Any Bookends attachments for the reference are indexed into the group. I set the Bookends URL to the DT item so that I can click. I migrate any URLs in the URL fields into DT bookmarks (and store the URLS in user20
in Bookends). Updates in Bookends are reflected in DT.
The main reason for creating a group per reference is that I have several thousand annotations in varying formats. I want to have a straightforward way of gathering them under the correct reference. I also want to pull these across into Tinderbox at some point, and having this structure seems like one way to do so. A final benefit is that I set the Alias for the group to the BibTeX citekey, which lets me use WikiLinks in DT on the citekey to switch to the group for the reference in question. Because I also set the URL for the DT group and its items to the Bookends reference, and I have a “Launch URL” button in my toolbar, I can click on a WikiLink for a reference, and then hit the toolbar button to jump to that reference in Bookends.
I also wanted a group in place for Bookends references which don’t have an attachment. In my field (theology) many books are not available in electronic form, and I still want to put notes into DT for those references, and I didn’t want a separate group or structure for non-PDF references.
Still to do:
- if an attachment is removed from Bookends, or even renamed, I don’t unindex it in DT
- similarly with URLs
- and similarly with references
The main question I have is whether there’s a way in Applescript to replace a templated import in-situ (i.e. without disrupting the DT UUID)?
I create the initial summary Markdown file like so:
set theSummaryRecord to import theTemplateFile placeholders theSummaryPlaceholders to theGroup
but of course this creates duplicates. I could delete the earlier DT item and create a new one, but then I’d have a new UUID, and I’d like to preserve these whenever possible. Any suggestions?
to convertDate(textDate)
if length of textDate is 4 then
set textDate to "1/1/" & textDate
end if
set resultDate to my date textDate
return resultDate
end convertDate
to surname(textName)
set r to textName
set otid to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ","
set s to text items of textName
if s is not missing value then
set r to (item 1 of s) as string
end if
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to otid
return r
end surname
to authorlist(authors)
set otid to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "
set r to authors as text
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to otid
return r
end authorlist
set theTemplateFile to "/Users/lyndon/Library/Application Support/DEVONthink 3/Templates.noindex/Education/Reference LD.md"
tell application id "DNtp"
set theDatabase to open database "/Users/lyndon/DevonThink/Research.dtBase2"
set theLocation to create location "/Library"
end tell
tell application "Bookends"
tell front library window
set theRefs to selected publication items
set itemCount to count of theRefs
if itemCount > 0 then
set toProcess to display dialog "You have " & itemCount & " items selected. Would you like to process the selected items or the entire library?" buttons {"Cancel", "Selection", "Library"} default button 3
end if
if the button returned of toProcess is "Library" then
set theRefs to publication items of group item "DT"
else if the button returned of toProcess is "Cancel" then
end if
repeat with theRef in theRefs
set {theID, theKey, thePaths, dtUUID, origURLs, modDate, theAuthor, theEditor, theDateText, theTitle, theShortTitle, theAbstract, theDOI, theKeywords, theURL} to {id, citekey, path of attachment items, user15, user20, date modified, authors, editors, publication date string, title, short title, abstract, doi, keyword names, url} of theRef
if theAuthor = "" then set theAuthor to theEditor
if theShortTitle = "" then set theShortTitle to theTitle
set theDate to my convertDate(theDateText)
set theYear to the year of theDate as string
set theBookendsURL to ("bookends://sonnysoftware.com/" & theID) as text
repeat 1 times -- dummy loop to allow skipping to next item if not recently modified in Bookends
tell application id "DNtp"
set theRecord to get record with uuid dtUUID in theDatabase
if theRecord is missing value then
set theFilename to theYear & " " & theShortTitle
set theAuthor to paragraphs of theAuthor
if (count of theAuthor) is 1 then
set s1 to my surname(item 1 of theAuthor)
set theFilename to s1 & " " & theFilename
else if (count of theAuthor) is 2 then
set s1 to my surname(item 1 of theAuthor)
set s2 to my surname(item 2 of theAuthor)
set theFilename to s1 & " and " & s2 & " " & theFilename
else if (count of theAuthor) > 2 then
set s1 to my surname(item 1 of theAuthor)
set theFilename to s1 & " et al " & theFilename
end if
set theGroup to create location "/Library/" & theFilename
set origURLs to theURL
if (modification date of theRecord) > (modDate + (1 * minutes)) then
set theTags to the tags of theRecord
set otid to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "
set theTags to theTags as text
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to otid
tell application "Bookends" to set the keywords of theRef to theTags
end if
if modDate ≤ modification date of theRecord then
exit repeat -- jump out of dummy loop to next item
end if
set theGroup to theRecord
end if
-- set group metadata and grab reference details
tell theGroup
set URL to theBookendsURL
set aliases to theKey
set tags to theKeywords
set custom meta data to {|date|:theDate, doi:theDOI, abstract:theAbstract, citekey:theKey, bookendsid:theID}
set dtNewUUID to uuid
set dtLink to reference URL & "?reveal=1"
end tell
-- update Bookends record
tell application "Bookends"
tell theRef
set user15 to dtNewUUID
set user20 to origURLs
set url to dtLink
end tell
end tell
-- create summary Markdown file
set theSummaryName to ("___" & theKey & ".md") as text
set theAuthorList to my authorlist(theAuthor)
set theSummaryPlaceholders to {|%reference%|:theTitle, |%authors%|:theAuthorList, |%date%|:theYear, |%citation%|:theKey, |%doi%|:theDOI, |%abstract%|:theAbstract}
set theTempRecord to import theTemplateFile placeholders theSummaryPlaceholders to theGroup
set theSummaryRecord to get record at (the location of theTempRecord) & theSummaryName
if theSummaryRecord is missing value then
set the name of theTempRecord to theSummaryName
set theSummaryRecord to theTempRecord
set theTempContent to the plain text of theTempRecord
set the plain text of theSummaryRecord to theTempContent
delete record theTempRecord
end if
set URL of theSummaryRecord to theBookendsURL
set custom meta data of theSummaryRecord to {|date|:theDate, doi:theDOI, abstract:theAbstract, citekey:theKey, bookendsid:theID}
set tags of theSummaryRecord to theKeywords
-- create bookmarks to URLs
set origURLs to paragraphs of origURLs
repeat with theOrigURL in origURLs
set theBookmarkRecord to lookup records with URL theOrigURL
if theBookmarkRecord is missing value or (count of theBookmarkRecord) is less than 1 then
create record with {name:theOrigURL, type:bookmark, URL:theOrigURL} in theGroup
end if
end repeat
-- index the attachments
repeat with thePath in thePaths
set theAttachmentRecord to lookup records with path thePath
if theAttachmentRecord is missing value or (count of theAttachmentRecord) is less than 1 then
set theAttachmentRecord to indicate thePath to theGroup
set theAttachmentRecord to item 1 of theAttachmentRecord
end if
set URL of theAttachmentRecord to theBookendsURL
set custom meta data of theAttachmentRecord to {|date|:theDate, doi:theDOI, abstract:theAbstract, citekey:theKey, bookendsid:theID}
set tags of theAttachmentRecord to theKeywords
end repeat
end tell
end repeat
end repeat
end tell
end tell