Most of the “partial” discussions are here:DT3 Script: Create stack for each document for multiple cards/snippets with backlink, cited text or note, comment, and tagging & perhaps a synergy with the Bookend script so I won’t repeat myself.
The final version has two scrips, one for initial or re-configuration of the stack, another one is the main script. You probably don’t need to touch the two scripts.
EDITED 2019.07.29
Changes from v0.96 to v1.0
- ParentTag" is no longer necessary, constrained tag list is now chosen from “/Tags”
- manual entry as one of the options for naming the card
- use “current paragraph” as the back link for text-based source document
- up to 3 ordinary tag groups for constrained tagging
- group tag for tagging
- link of document-stack is added to the card
- WikiLinks can be added as additional default group links to the card
- new sorting algorithm to improve the performance on sorting long tag list
- a complimentary script “annotationV1” that creates replicants of the main annotation note in both inspector bar of the source document and in its document-stack.
Credits to (1) “stack” is a name mentioned by @Cali310 in OP and it does recall my good-old memory of using index card note-taking system in very young age, so I decided to use that name for the script. (2) @korm is the one who suggests me to make it easier for users to configure the script w/o needing to open the script. (3) @cgrunenberg suggests to re-consider using location as pointer of stack. Turns out (2) and (3) make the script much easier to use and make me aware of the possibility of local and global stack.
EDITED 2019.07.29
– Before runing this script, user needs to
– (1) create a group named “Stack” at the root of the Database.
– (2) create the two required custom meta data fields
– “mdcardnum”, datatype is “Integer”
– “mdstacklink”, datatype is “URL”
Updated Demo: 1st post for first time setup, 2nd posts shows how cards are created based on the configuration in the 1st post, and 3rd post for the v1.0 scripts.
(Database preparation before running the script “StackV1.0 Setup”)
A test database with a group “Stack” and one literature .
I also have two other groups, “Annotations” with an aliases of “AllAnnotations”, and “AllResearchNote” in the test database.
Create two custom metadata fields, the identifier’s name and data type must be exact.
I have copy some of the tag groups I use into this testDB
(Run “StackV1.0 Setup”)
You only need to run this script for first-time setup, or when u want to re-configure how the cards are created. I suggest to put the setup script under the script menu.
A reminder to make sure that you are initialising the stack in the correct database.
Choose Card Type, choose “C-MostlyCitedText” if you cite and take note most of the time.
Choose naming method for the card
Choose the unique card identifier counter. 3 means 1 to 999 card for each document stack
How to display the back-link
How to mark your cited text in source document. If you want custom highlight, u need to assign the colour to “shift-ctrl-7” in MacOS preference->keyboard->App Shortcuts.
Choose whether you want put a quick summary in the comment field at creation.
Choose which font to use in the card.
Choose Tagging method, most of the options are self-explanatory, the more special options are “C1” and “CA”.
If C1 or CA is chosen, choose up to three tag groups
Choose whether to tag with group tag
Choose whether to place WikiLink for additional group-links (a more flexible way to view other groups in place)
Where to show the newly created card on the screen at creation.
Resolution of your main monitor, for card position. Resolution info is auto-filled for one-monitor setup. You will have to change the data to the resolution of your main monitor for two monitor setup.
The config info is saved under the comment field of the group “Stack” - DON’T TOUCH IT unless you know how to read the main script.
EDITED 2019.07.29
After you test-run the script, if you want to reset the stack and test again, you need to (1) delete all document-stacks, and (2) empty all data in the two metadata fields “StackLink” and “IdxCard” (3) Empty the trash.