You know what’s cool? I was a mac user since – wow, since 1984, and was a Apple II user before that – and I can remember that the two big complaints about Macs were that they were a) too expensive and b) didn’t have as much software. Of course, we persistent fools said that we didn’t have as much crappy software as PCs, but we did have enough. It’s a happy world when I have a computer which has the undeniably coolest software, regardless of numbers. Quicksilver, iPhoto, and DEVONthink are my three biggies. There’s nothing in the PC world that even comes close (though a few try).
One semi-close thing to DEVONthink in the PC world is EverNote. Yes, it has only a fraction of the functionality of DT, and it’s functionality that I actually use. And where they have search (yawn) we have an advanced AI. However, they do have one feature that I wish we had: versioning.
I wish, I wish, I wish I could create a document, save it, modify it, modify it again, save it, come back tomorrow, realize that I’ve done some really stupid things, and roll it back. Big database? Big deal.
Of course, I’d want the A.I. to recognize only the most current version, and I’d want it to be transparent. And overridable. And should be able to work with external apps as well (so that DTPro becomes my version repository for all my writing, even in my beloved Mellel!). And it should come with a pony, and all the ice cream I can eat. And free gas. Forever. (OK, I’ll give in on the pony.)
Seriously sounds like a killer Pro feature to me. There’s already a lot in there (which is why I’ve upgraded already), but since this in the place for requests and suggestions, I’m going to request and suggest. Does anyone else see this as a useful/valuable feature? Would you pay for it?