Video Playback and Annotations

The handler from Script: Copy RTF and Markdown link does that. Your script plus the handler seems to work fine over here

-- Copy RTF and Markdown link for's video's current time and the corresponding DEVONthink record's reference URL 


use AppleScript version "2.4"
use framework "Foundation"
use framework "AppKit"
use scripting additions

property revealRecord : true
property includeSuffix : true

# # Copy Markdown Link for DEVONthink Video Open in VLC at Current Time
# Since DEVONthink's video player is a bit limited (it doesn't support multiple playback speeds for instance) I wanted to be able to use a more flexible player but link back to the video file in DEVONthink at the current timecode. 
# One minor issue, VLC only lets you get the current time to the second, not the exact frame or decimal.
# This script will copy that URL as a markdown link in the format: [13:10:72](x-devonthink-item://45151EC1-8A15-4109-AFE9-1B4EA8C6DE2B?time=352)
# Created by [Christin White](

# # Set Options
# - `DatabaseName`     *text*: The name for the database to use, if a valid database is not found the current database will be used.
# - `PausePlayback` *boolean*: If true, pause VLC when script is run.
set DatabaseName to "Collection"
set PausePlayback to true

	# Get Reference URL from DEVONthink and Assemble Link
	set TheVideo to GetVideoFromVLC(PausePlayback)
	# Get Reference URL
	set TheReferenceURL to GetReferenceURLFromPath(TheVideoPath of TheVideo, DatabaseName)
	# Assemble Link
	set TimeCodeURL to TheReferenceURL & "?time=" & (TheCurrentTime of TheVideo)
	set TimeCode to FormatTimeCode(TheCurrentTime of TheVideo)
	#set MarkdownLink to "[" & TimeCode & "](" & TimeCodeURL & ")"
	# Copy to Clipboard
	#set the clipboard to MarkdownLink
	my copyRTFandMarkdownLink({TimeCodeURL}, {TimeCode})
on error ErrorMessage number ErrorNumber
	if the ErrorNumber is not -128 then display alert "DEVONthink" message ErrorMessage as warning
end try

# # Functions
# These will be moved to a script library.

# # AddLeadingZeros
# Add leading zeros to a number to reach the specified number of digits. Based on [Apple's handler](
# Parameters:
# - `TheNumber`         *number* : The number to add leading zeros to.
# - `TheNumberOfDigits` *integer*: The total number of digits.
# Returns:
# - *text*: TheNumber with the specified number of leading zeros.
on AddLeadingZeros(TheNumber, TheNumberOfDigits)
	set IsNegative to TheNumber is less than 0
	# Determine the maximum number from the number of digits.
	set TheNumberOfDigits to (TheNumberOfDigits - 1)
	set TheThreshold to (10 ^ TheNumberOfDigits) as integer
	if TheNumber is less than TheThreshold then
		# If the number is negative, convert it to positive
		if IsNegative = true then set TheNumber to -TheNumber
		set TheLeadingZeros to ""
		set TheDigitCount to length of ((TheNumber div 1) as text)
		set TheCharacterCount to (TheNumberOfDigits + 1) - TheDigitCount
		repeat TheCharacterCount times
			set TheLeadingZeros to (TheLeadingZeros & "0") as text
		end repeat
		# Make the number negative, if it was previously negative
		if IsNegative = true then set TheLeadingZeros to "-" & TheLeadingZeros
		return (TheLeadingZeros & (TheNumber as text)) as text
		# If the number is greater than or equal to the maximum number of digits
		# Return the original number
		return TheNumber as text
	end if
end AddLeadingZeros

# # FormatTimeCode
# Converts seconds into a timecode format matching `00:00:00`
# Parameters:
# - InSeconds *number*: Number of seconds to set timecode to. Accepts float but is converted to Integer
# Returns:
# - *text*: Timecode
on FormatTimeCode(InSeconds)
	set InSeconds to InSeconds as integer
	# Calculate Hours
	set CalculatedHours to (InSeconds div hours)
	# Calculate Minutes
	set RemainderSeconds to (InSeconds mod hours)
	set CalculatedMinutes to (RemainderSeconds div minutes)
	# Calculate Seconds
	set CalculatedSeconds to (RemainderSeconds mod minutes)
	# Convert to Two Digit Strings
	set CalculatedHours to AddLeadingZeros(CalculatedHours, 2)
	set CalculatedMinutes to AddLeadingZeros(CalculatedMinutes, 2)
	set CalculatedSeconds to AddLeadingZeros(CalculatedSeconds, 2)
	set TimeCode to CalculatedHours & ":" & CalculatedMinutes & ":" & CalculatedSeconds as text
	return TimeCode
end FormatTimeCode

# # GetReferenceURLFromPath
# Get the reference URL for a file in a specified or active database.
# Parameters:
# - `TheFilepath`  *text*: The path to the file.
# - `DatabaseName` *text*: That database to look in.
# Returns:
# - *text*: The Reference URL.
on GetReferenceURLFromPath(TheFilePath, DatabaseName)
	tell application id "DNtp"
		# Check if the database is valid, if not use the active database.
		if exists database DatabaseName then
			set TheRecordList to lookup records with path TheFilePath in database DatabaseName
			display notification "The specified database wasn't found, trying the active database instead" subtitle "Invalid Database"
			set TheRecordList to lookup records with path TheFilePath
		end if
		# Make sure we found a matching record.
		if (count of TheRecordList) is greater than 0 then
			# A list could return more than one record such as if a file is indexed to more than one group. Use the first item but notify the user.
			if (count of TheRecordList) is greater than 1 then
				display notification "More than one record was found, using the first record" subtitle "Multiple Records"
			end if
			set TheReferenceURL to reference URL of item 1 of TheRecordList
			return TheReferenceURL
			error "File not found in database."
		end if
	end tell
end GetReferenceURLFromPath

# # GetVideoFromVLC
# Gets metadata about the current video open in VLC
# Parameters:
# - `PausePlayback` *boolean*: Pause video when called.
# Returns:
# - *list* (indexed)
#   - `TheVideoPath`     *text*: The path for current video.
#   - `TheCurrentTime` *number*: The current second of playback.
on GetVideoFromVLC(PausePlayback)
	tell application "VLC"
		if (exists path of current item) then
			set TheVideoPath to path of current item
			set TheCurrentTime to current time
			error "VLC does not have an open video."
		end if
		if PausePlayback and playing then
		end if
		return {TheVideoPath:TheVideoPath, TheCurrentTime:TheCurrentTime}
	end tell
end GetVideoFromVLC

on copyRTFandMarkdownLink(theURLs, theNames)
		set theURLsArray to current application's NSMutableArray's arrayWithArray:theURLs
		set theNamesArray to current application's NSArray's arrayWithArray:theNames
		if revealRecord = true then
			repeat with i from 0 to ((theURLsArray's |count|()) - 1)
				set thisURLString to (theURLsArray's objectAtIndex:i)
				if (thisURLString's hasPrefix:"x-devonthink") then (theURLsArray's replaceObjectAtIndex:i withObject:(thisURLString's stringByAppendingString:"&?reveal=1"))
			end repeat
		end if
		if theURLsArray's |count|() = 1 then
			set theTypesArray to current application's NSArray's arrayWithArray:{"public.utf8-plain-text", "dyn.ah62d4rv4gu8yc6durvwwaznwmuuha2pxsvw0e55bsmwca7d3sbwu", ¬
				"public.url-name", "dyn.ah62d4rv4gu8zs3pcnzme2641rf4guzdmsv0gn64uqm10c6xenv61a3k", "public.url"}
			set theTypesArray to current application's NSArray's arrayWithArray:{"public.utf8-plain-text", "dyn.ah62d4rv4gu8zs3pcnzme2641rf4guzdmsv0gn64uqm10c6xenv61a3k"}
		end if
		set thePasteboard to current application's NSPasteboard's generalPasteboard()
		thePasteboard's declareTypes:theTypesArray owner:(missing value)
		set thePasteboardItem to (thePasteboard's pasteboardItems())'s objectAtIndex:0
		repeat with i from 0 to ((theTypesArray's |count|()) - 1)
			set thisType to (theTypesArray's objectAtIndex:i)
			if (thisType's isEqualTo:"public.utf8-plain-text") then
				set theMarkdownLinksArray to (current application's NSMutableArray's arrayWithArray:{})
				set theURLsArrayCount to (theURLsArray's |count|())
				repeat with i from 0 to (theURLsArrayCount - 1)
					set thisMarkdownLink to (current application's NSString's stringWithFormat_("[%@](%@)", theNamesArray's objectAtIndex:i, theURLsArray's objectAtIndex:i))
					if i < (theURLsArrayCount - 1) then set thisMarkdownLink to (thisMarkdownLink's stringByAppendingString:(space & space))
					(theMarkdownLinksArray's addObject:thisMarkdownLink)
				end repeat
				(thePasteboardItem's setString:(theMarkdownLinksArray's componentsJoinedByString:linefeed) forType:thisType)
			else if (thisType's isEqualTo:"dyn.ah62d4rv4gu8yc6durvwwaznwmuuha2pxsvw0e55bsmwca7d3sbwu") then
				(thePasteboardItem's setData:(current application's NSPropertyListSerialization's dataWithPropertyList:theURLsArray ¬
					format:(current application's NSPropertyListXMLFormat_v1_0) options:0 |error|:(missing value)) forType:thisType)
			else if (thisType's isEqualTo:"public.url-name") then
				(thePasteboardItem's setString:(theNamesArray's objectAtIndex:0) forType:thisType)
			else if (thisType's isEqualTo:"dyn.ah62d4rv4gu8zs3pcnzme2641rf4guzdmsv0gn64uqm10c6xenv61a3k") then
				set theNamesWithLinefeedArray to (current application's NSMutableArray's arrayWithArray:{})
				set theNamesArrayCount to theNamesArray's |count|()
				repeat with i from 0 to (theNamesArrayCount - 1)
					set thisName to (theNamesArray's objectAtIndex:i)
					if i < (theNamesArrayCount - 1) then set thisName to (thisName's stringByAppendingString:return) -- necessary for OmniFocus. must be a return (a linefeed adds a blank line in Nisus Writer)
					(theNamesWithLinefeedArray's addObject:thisName)
				end repeat
				(thePasteboardItem's setData:(current application's NSPropertyListSerialization's dataWithPropertyList:{theURLsArray, theNamesWithLinefeedArray} ¬
					format:(current application's NSPropertyListXMLFormat_v1_0) options:0 |error|:(missing value)) forType:thisType)
			else if (thisType's isEqualTo:"public.url") then
				(thePasteboardItem's setString:(theURLsArray's objectAtIndex:0) forType:thisType)
			end if
		end repeat
		display notification "Copied"
		return true
	on error error_message number error_number
		if the error_number is not -128 then display alert "Error: Handler \"copyRTFandMarkdownLink\"" message error_message as warning
		error number -128
	end try
end copyRTFandMarkdownLink