Woo Hoo! DTPO 3.0 (Beta)!

Maybe we’ll add a (hidden) pref to upcoming builds. BTW: Is is faster after verifying all databases or still slow? You could also try whether the unique word count of a smaller database will be reduced by rebuilding the database.

No improvement after “Verify and Repair” all databases.
Significant improvement after “Optimize” all databases, up to about 5 seconds to change between documents, that is not much time in perform the operation.

In relation to the unique number of words, most databases contains English, Spanish and French documents.

Makes me wonder whether a rebuild would further improve this (but of course your databases are huge and this would require a lot of time)

Just reindexed two of the most biggest db and no significative performance change.

What I’ve found is my MacBook Pro 2017 with pure SSD woks sightly slower than my iMac 2018 with mechanical disk!

Hi Christian, just to be clear on your suggestion >> does one replace the DT3/Cloudy folder (it hasn’t seen any sync activity as of yet) with the DTPO2/Cloudy folder in its entirety – or leave the handful of existing DT3 files/folders that are already inside the DT3/Cloudy folder, and drop in the rest of the data from DTPO2’s /Cloudy – or ‘move’ it, and leave both [DTPO2 and DT3] /Cloudy folders in the new location?

From what I can work out, DTPO2’s /Downloads, /Manifests and /Status folders, obviously have sub-folders etc. in them, given past sync activity.
Whilst the Locations.plist, Preferences.plist and Host.plist(?) appear to be similar, the noticeable difference between DTPO2 and DP3, is obviously the Sync.log…

If you’re not using DT2 and moving the Cloudy folder, then you should be able to replace the one in DT3’s App Support.

Thanks Jim >> apologies for being so pedantic, but just want to check: By ‘replace’, you mean I can ‘move’/cut-n-paste /Cloudy of DT3, with that of the /Cloudy folder of DTPO2?

Cut and paste files? This ain’t no Windows machine!! :stuck_out_tongue:

Just drag and drop between the two and let it overwrite IF you’re moving to DT3 solely.


I thought Command+Option+V will cut and paste in a Mac machine.

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Cutting and pasting is definitely possible on a Mac. However, culturally it has been used for text, image editing, graphics, etc. not moving files around. Macs have long supported drag and drop as the primary method of moving files around. Cutting / copying and pasting files was more a Windows behavior. In fact, most people who refer to copying and pasting files are Windows converts. :slight_smile:

Will DT3 and DT2 remain able to use the same databases? I mean: I share a database with my wife, and she will not be upgrading to v3 yet, as her machine is quite old and she does not know if she wants to keep it around. Will we still be able to share the db?

My understanding is that custom metadata in DT3 will get lost if a file is updated/written in DT2.

Great update - just ordered the pro version.

ah… would it then be lost for v3 as well?

I do not think so that the new metadata get lost:

  1. I imported a pdf document in DT3, changed the comments and add some new individual meta data.

  2. On my iphone I made later changes (comments et etc.) (As expected the new meta data is not visible on the iphone

  3. Later, back on the Mac: All changes and the existing new meta data is visible.

It might be lost if you open the same database with version 2 and edit the item. Or if you use version 2 on another computer/account and synchronize the changes with version 3.

I just installed DT3 and read the list of new and improved features. Took me about 20s to decide that i NEED it. I’m also very happy about the upgrade pricing. This is more than reasonable! I’ve been using DTPO since 2013 without paying anything since then :wink:

Thank you so much DevonTechnologies!



Thanks for the nice feedback :slight_smile: