There are many threads in this forum discussing the use of DTP alongside Bookends, some of which date back over a decade. I’ve been using both applications for years, but I’ve always hesitated to “connect” them due to my lack of experience with scripting. Additionally, the variety of scripts suggested here has left me uncertain about where to begin.
Could anyone provide guidance on a good starting point and recommend a script that works with the current versions of both apps?
@BLUEFROG, have you ever considered collaborating with Jonathan from the Bookends app to create a joint tutorial?
and many, many more when using the search function in both forums… dating back up to 2011… but I do not know which of them are still valid… maybe users that use both apps can describe her currently used workflows and scripts, would be a great starting point if you want to publish a tutorial.
File>import yes… education template, no - where do I find it?
thanks so much for considering a special tutorial for the two apps in collaboration with Jonathan from Bookends. Would be highly welcome.
I love this forum… I learn so much about my favorite app, and now have also the opportunity to improve my foreign language knowledge
Ad you see, a lot of different codes are out there for using both apps together, maybe you from DTP and Jonathan from bookends are able to collect and explain the most important of them in a tutorial, as a starting point for newbies. I know this is probably not the highest priority, therefore just thank you for considering this (anytime in the future).
It definitely works with the current version.
And, my understanding is that the purpose of each script could be different. I think it is better to leave those for the users. There is no point to discuss those at the developer level. If the developer have to discuss, they need to focus on the official scripts that ship with the apps.
(and by the way, I find the official scripts not that useful. I mean, what is the point of importing reference data from BE to DT? Well, I don’t know. May be sb else want to have the reference data in DT).
The users develop, share and personalize those scripts.
So, for switching back and forth between BE and DT, we have a couple of scripts. They two use two approaches:
some of them copy the url in BE and past it to the url link in DT; and vise versa.
The second approach they used is to use direct search.
Personally, I used the first approach—linked up all my entries (of my important databases) in BE with DT, and vise versa. I use the link fields (u20 in BE) to jump from back and forth.
thanks for all these insights… indeed, this seems a great approach to connect both apps. These scripts could/should also be supported and integrated in bookends and DTP officially?!
Blockquote So, for switching back and forth between BE and DT, we have a couple of scripts.
may I ask, which scripts you use? you have posted the url of one of them above, do you use additional scripts?