Here are some:
There are a lot of scripts offered here for the DT-Bookends connection.
But does a script exist, that imports a paper’s reference from Bookends into the custom metadata in DT3? (pdf per pdf) I would like to use Bookends only for reference collection.
I don’t want to collect pdfs in twice (DT3 and Bookends), but only in DT3, but Bookends is much better for getting the reference in. Indexing is no option for me, either.
There are a number of scripts in the forums on linking or importing a Bookends reference into DEVONthink. For my purposes I use a script that links a Bookends reference to a DEVONthink record. I use a folder in the Finder that I index with DEVONthink and is the same folder where my Bookends references are stored. The script uses an external dependency - exiftool, that will need to be installed separately. Exiftool changes the title and author fields of a PDF. For anyone else that might the scrip…
workflow: That built-in Export to Bookends script in DEVONthink! - Sonny Software
and many, many more when using the search function in both forums… dating back up to 2011… but I do not know which of them are still valid… maybe users that use both apps can describe her currently used workflows and scripts, would be a great starting point if you want to publish a tutorial.
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