Hi, any chance of providing mail capture (similar to MAC Mail) for Airmail 3?
Not as tightly controlled as Apple Mail, no. However there is an Applescript interface to Airmail 3, so there is a bit of potential. (Note: That’s potential, not promise, as the possibilities are limited by the Airmail developers.)
Count me as a +1 one for any Airmail 3 support. It’s an amazing desktop mail client.
I have been dragging and dropping from Airmail 3 into DTPO and its been working great, though a keyboard shortcut would be most helpful.
+1 for me also!
Thanks for the feedback! But actually it would be better to send such requests to the makers of Airmail so that they’ll improve the AppleScript support, e.g. add access to accounts, mailboxes, messages and the source/metadata of messages. Then it should be a minor task to add support to DEVONthink Pro Office.
go click on +3 on this thread so the Airmail developers get some visibility on our ask
I did the +3 thing over at Airmail.
Would add my +1 for any scripting that can be done with the current applescript interface in airmail 3.
Here is a script that will send attachments in Airmail 3 to DevonThink
tell application "Airmail 3"
-- Get the count of the number of attachments
set x to the count of mail attachment of the selected message
-- End script if the message has no attachments
if x is 0 then
display alert "Airmail 3" message "There are no attachments in this message" as warning
end if
-- Select the group to send attachments to in DevonThink
tell application id "DNtp"
if not (exists current database) then display alert "Airmail 3" message "No database is in use in DevonThink" as warning
set theGroup to display group selector
end tell
-- Import the attachments into DevonThink
set i to 1
repeat until i = x + 1
set theAttach to filename of mail attachment index i of the selected message
set theFile to POSIX path of theAttach
tell application id "DNtp"
import theFile to theGroup
end tell
set i to i + 1
end repeat
end tell
And here is a script that will send the selected email to DevonThink. Due to lack of scripting controls in AirMail it can not extract the date that the email was sent. The URL of the record is set to be a link back to the original email in AirMail
-- Get contents of the email
tell application "Airmail 3"
set x to the count of the selected message
if x is 0 then
display alert "Airmail 3" message "There are no messages selected" as warning
end if
set {theSender, theSubject, theSource} to {the sender, the subject, the htmlContent} of the selected message
set theURL to the selectedMessageUrl
-- add header information
set theBody to "To:
Subject: " & theSubject & "
From: " & theSender & "
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/html; charset=\"iso-8859-1\"
" & theSource
end tell
-- Select the group to send the email to DevonThink
tell application id "DNtp"
if not (exists current database) then display alert "Airmail 3" message "No database is in use in DevonThink" as warning
set theGroup to display group selector
-- Import the email into DevonThink as record
create record with {name:theSubject & ".eml", source:theBody, type:unknown, URL:theURL} in theGroup
end tell
To save an email from Airmail 3 including date, subject etc. go to Menu -> Export to EML (or use option-cmd-E) and choose the (system-wide global) Inbox folder in Finder. Of course you first have to install the global inbox folder through Install Add-ons within DEVONthink.
There is no possibility to assign the eml-file to a specific database though, so this will add to the regular task out global Inbox sorting.
And yes, no such integration on iOS. There, it will only be possible to send an email as PDF but as a consolation, it will be possible to add it a specific inbox.
Custom Action for iOS: Airmail to DTTG using new URL scheme
Hi @kseggleton
Hi @kseggleton
This script to save from Airmail to Devonthink is terrific - however on DT3 it sets the URL to the original mailto: address. Is it possible instead to set it to be a link to the original email?
Hi @rkaplan
No I can’t seem to get it to do that. I don’t use Airmail anymore - am using Mailmate now which can send emails to DEVONthink
Multimate seems interesting - it seems to be he ultimate power user email configuration - and probably very usable with Keyboard Maestro since it can do everything from the keyboard